road bike with cycling computer
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How Cycling Regularly Drastically Improved My Cycling Endurance

It’s no surprise to people reading this blog that cycling is one of my passions but as with many other people who enjoy working out or cycling, you aren’t always motivated to workout. Your motivation goes up and down. Some days you are super motivated and on others, you don’t even want to get out…

Castelli Cycling Jersey
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What Should I Wear When Riding My Fixed Gear Bike

Riding fixed gear bikes is typically more casual than the people that ride road bikes. Many fixed gear riders wear street clothes when they ride because they use their bike as a commuter. However, even if you want to look more casual, it may be worth wearing either a cycling bib or cycling shorts underneath…

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What Are The Parts Needed To Build Your Own Fixed Gear Bike?

Fixed Gear Bikes are very simple bikes. They don’t have the extra gears or mechanical systems that make bike maintenance and construction difficult. Since they’re very simple many people decide to build their own fixed gear bikes or even convert another bike into a fixed gear bike. While fixed gear bikes are relatively simple, you…

quick release skewer
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Should You Put A Quick Release on A Fixie? | Fixie 101

As you get more into cycling, you’ll want to take your bike places with you to go on rides. If you have a roof rack that requires you to take off your front wheel, it can get very tedious to grab your tools and undo the bolt on your front wheel to remove it. Quick…

black fixed gear bike
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Why Do Fixie Riders Slide All The Time? | Fixie 101

I ride my fixed gear bike with many of my friends that don’t ride fixie and I always get asked why I’m sliding. They think I’m just doing it to look cool, which in some cases that’s true. Sliding is fun and can make riding your fixed gear more enjoyable, however, the main reason fixed…